Friday, July 1, 2016

When One Challenge Ends.....Another Begins......Thank You Chrissy Benoit!

And the Spring Fling Challenge is at end. If you remember it started May 15, 2016 and yesterday was my last full day (June 30, 2016). In that period of time I began working out, something I hadn't done in a very long time and I went "all in" with Trim Healthy Mama (THM).

Before I give you the numbers, let me tell you a little about what this challenge has done for my life....after all, I am far more than a number!

Since May 15th:

I have had minimal to no sugar (I say minimal because I am not a purist so I may miss reading a label or two)
I have eaten on-plan every day
I have taken my once beloved Diet Mt. Dew out of my mouth, my house and my life (I don't even crave it anymore)
I have proven to myself that activities that I "thought" I couldn't do, I can
I lowered my blood pressure
I was able to go a couple of days without my acid reflux medicine (something I never could do before)
My joints and feet no longer ache
I have fought off several sinus issues without the help of medical intervention
I have eaten desserts daily
I have never been hungry
I am down to maybe a couple of headaches during the month instead of 10-12
I am putting....tumeric, ginger, collagen, apple cider vinegar (ACV), lemon and other healing foods into my body
I have learned a love of cauliflower, radishes and even zuchinni and spinach
I can fit into a smaller size clothes
I don't get winded as much
I can cross my legs comfortably
And most of all........I FEEL BETTER!

I can honestly say that this challenge has been the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time.

So now for the numbers. As of this morning....I have lost 19.2 lbs. I have also lost 9.5 inches. Those numbers are amazing as I have not lost that kind of weight in many years, nor have the inches come off like that. The down side to this whole thing is that I had/have a significant amount of weight to lose on my little 5'1" frame. Even with those numbers, the progress although I can feel it, is not very noticable. I had before pictures to go along with all of this, but they were on my old phone and seem to be MIA at this moment. My son assures me he can find them. At any rate, for now......the progress seems to be more internal than external which tells me that I have a lot more work to do.

Thank God (literally) for the THM-Challenge Group on Facebook. Not resting on their laurels....they began a brand new challenge today which I needed desperately. It is the 2 Week No Cheat - Get Moving Challenge. This means working out at a sweat causing, muscle burning pace for at least 30 min. per day and absolutely no cheating. I got the no cheat thing down but I will definitely have to work on the 30 min. per day. God Bless Chrissy Benoit and her challenge group for being what I needed to prove to myself that I really can change my fantastic meal at a time. 

So now I begin my new challenge. I will likely be blogging on Friday's for the next couple of weeks as that is the new weigh-in day. Wish me luck! And better than that....if you need a lifestyle change like I did....come and join me. Us mama's gotta stick together!

Happy 4th Everyone!!!!!!

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