Much has happened in my world in the last year and much continues to happen on a daily basis. We all have those times I know, when we feel as if God is testing us and we are sure we are failing at a rapid pace. That is where I am. Yes, there are things going on in my life that are causing me to have to re-evaluate who I am, along with just about everything I have ever done and.....*gasp*..... having to make a few changes. And I for one....don't like to change.
When I refer to change, I am referring to changing just about everything about myself from the inside out. That is, the way I think, feel and handle life as well as things such as my health and even my spiritual well being. These have been some huge realizations in my life and it has really made me think a lot about myself and just how much I need this.
Had things not happened in these last months the way they did and had they not been so earth shattering, I likely would not have been "forced" and yes....I mean "forced" to come to this place in my life. In the here and now though, the reality is, this might not be a bad thing. I had to come to some hard truths about myself and what I need for myself in order to continue moving forward.
It occurred to me, that we all have people and possessions in our life, that we truly love. So how do we take care of the people we love? We go out of our way to give them the best. We make sure their needs are taken care of and we show them every chance we get even in the smallest ways...whether its is making sure they eat right, helping them or simply by just wrapping our arms around them and telling them that we love them. And our beloved possessions? We all have at least one thing that holds some special sentiment to us and we treat it very special. We usually put it in a place where it is taken care of and we know that it will not be touched, broken or damaged in anyway. So if this is how we, or more to the point "I" treat the people I love and even the possessions I love, why does this care not trickle down to myself?
I am 55 years old and soon to be 56. Yes, I am a bit fixated on these numbers, not because I feel particularly old, but because that is a lot of years in my pocket that I have treated those I love and care about and even possessions much better than I have treated myself. Why do I not have equal love for myself? Why is my own health not as important to me? Why do I not guard my own feelings as closely as I guard others....and why is my own emotional and spiritual health not as important to me as my family and friends? Why do I treat myself in ways that I would never allow anyone to treat those I love. Even my possessions are better taken care of than I take care of myself and when you get right down to it.....that is simply just wrong.
At 55, I am not old, but I am at the age where every working part I have is considered mid-century. Now we all know that even mid-century items, if well taken care of, can be even more beautiful and even more desired than the new "stuff" just coming off the line. However, mistreated, a mid-century item can need a lot of work, effort and even new parts to get it back into good working order. Yeah, I am the mid-century item that needs a bit of work.
When I was young, I treated my body like it was invincible and fluctuated between all out abuse and complete pampering but never did I really give myself what I needed. As I got older, got married and had kids, well I treated my body a bit better but I started sacrificing sleep, emotional needs and spiritual health for my family, friends and those around me. I learned to martyr myself and not say "NO!" only to find myself angry and resentful at the world because I felt left out and uncared for. Now mind one else made me feel left out and uncared for, this was simply the message I was sending myself because in the process of taking care of everyone else, I was not taking care of me.
Martyrdom is not all it is cracked up to be. While we are throwing ourselves on the cross for others, perhaps we are not being quite as Christlike as we think we are. I learned that in all my "doing for others," while forgetting to do things for myself like sleep, pray and eat right that I wasn't always being as helpful and wonderful as I thought. In fact because I was lacking in my own personal life, I was creating holes that I was trying to fill by "fixing" others. In that fixing, I was actually controlling situations that I had no business controlling and I wasn't being all that helpful, at times robbing people of life experiences they needed to fix themselves in order to figure out their own lives.
So here I sit. I am mid-century and although I have most of my original parts, there seems to be a lot of rust and I might be a little worse for the wear, especially if I don't start treating myself as a loved and prized possession. Yesterday my blood pressure was 168/108. I have a BMI of 35 which is Obese II and I can't stand to look in the mirror. Does this sound like someone who loves and appreciates herself? It's not and this is where I am.
In the last few weeks, I have been taking baby steps in learning to do for me and take care of me. I am having to let go of just about all I have known or thought about before and open myself up to letting others do for themselves, staying in my own lane and minding my own business and focusing on my own health (both physical and emotional) and learning to not only know myself but to love myself. Trust me, it's a pretty tall order.
I started by making doctors appointments for myself. Apparently I have no problem making appointments for others or nagging them until they make their appointments themselves, so why can't I do the same for myself? I made up my mind to face the health fears I have at 55 and find out just what the realities of my health are, instead of worrying and living in fear to the point of not doing anything until it's too late. So far, the news hasn't been anything I didn't expect....lose weight, start exercising and start taking better care of myself. Big shocker! There are still a couple of appointments to go but whatever I find out....knowledge is power....right?!
Now I am working to focus on me and leave other peoples problems to them and God. That's right, you can't control someone else, so why should I make myself sick over someone elses choices. I have to keep telling myself...."It's none of my business." By not worrying about others, it does free up time for me to focus on ME! Sound a little narcissistic? It's really not. In fact, it is almost the opposite. I think I have not focused on me for so long, because I was afraid of finding out who I really was. Maybe I would find out that if I focused on myself that I would have to hop down off that cross and see people, myself and the world in general differently. Maybe.......I was scared!
While I have a very long way to go before I am polished up and ready to put myself on the showroom floor, I am starting to take the necessary steps to take care of me. I need to start viewing myself as truly loved by me. Each step I take in bringing myself back to life needs to be a labor of love whether it is the dreaded exercise or the eating right or by simply just saying "No" with no excuses to anyone about something I really don't want to do. I need to start asking myself "What I want?" and more importantly "What I need?" Those questions are a lot tougher to answer than you think.
What I am learning from all of this, is that as I start my journey back to Trim Healthy Mama, I am viewing both it and myself differently. This time, as I make my meals I don't view it as something I am doing "to myself" but "for myself." Just this simple thinking turns a chore into a gift and it truly makes a huge difference. Also, by doing all of this for myself and giving myself time to focus on me and my needs I am finding that I am losing my urges to binge eat. For me, binge eating always happens when I feel out of control and usually, I feel out of control because of someone elses issues. I can't control them into doing, acting or being like I want, so I feel out of control and the only way to gain control is to.....apparently mistreat myself with a tub of Rocky Road. Now though, I don't feel so out of control because I am minding my own business, focusing on my own issues and finding that I have a lot better chance of controlling myself instead of trying to control others. Of course, there are always those things that even in our own lives, they are simply out of our control. What do I do then? I hand it over to God and most importantly.......leave it in His hands.
Now as I eat, as I exercise, as I focus on the moment and even as I pray, I am doing it all with the same love for myself that I have been showing others for years. It is a gift I am giving to myself. It is my hope too, that with this new found understanding of just how worth it that I truly am, that this love affair will continue for another half a century. This means that moving forward, most of my actions from losing weight to dealing with others will be done with my best interest and love of self at the heart of it all. The best thing though is....when we love, like and accept ourselves, we are so much happier and when we are happy, we want others to be happy and this will definitely show, in all we do.